

    It s a matter of immense pleasure that you are reading in a Vidyalaya which is one of the most prestigious institutions of the country.The vidyalaya has been endeavouring to build your academic life and make you very good human beings.You are indeed,blessed children, as your teachers are providing ample opportunities for over all development of your personality.

    Your teachers are with you like a shadow to help you at every step to iron out even last minute problems in any specific area.You are being put through various tests and examinations as we want you to face the challenges of life,when you are grown up.You come up with flying colours,provided you study and assiduously regularly giving emphasis on different areas.Just concentrate on planned in-depth and thorough studies and leave everything in the hands of God..Always remember that HARDWORK has always been rewarded and yours will also be rewarded.

    You should always try to win admiration from your reverened teachers by being obedient,responsible and disciplined.Always endeavour with a positive approach and success will be yours.

    I am sure,you will bring laurels to the vidyalaya.

    I wish you all the best

    May God belss you!